Thursday, 10 May 2018

Your mercy not your judgement!

You will never get to see and experience the best of everybody you meet because all you do is cling to the gossip of who they were rather than who they are now.

Reference is good but when your referer is bitter towards the person at inquiry - that's your chance to be a unifier. 

Jesus knew all about the short tax collector who hung on a tree just to see Him . This short and cruel man as seen by others wasn't worthy of the Lord's presence especially in his home to feast . It wasn't any spoken sermon or prayer that changed him but rather the humble and forgiven attitude Jesus Christ portrayed as He dined in this short man's house. 

Friend , what if me and you stopped judging others based on their past  or present but rather on how God sees them - the best versions of themselves. 

It is difficult to do the above if your belief system about yourself is out of proportion in terms with God's grace and His righteousness. 

I will allow you to conclude on this yourself .