Thursday, 10 May 2018

The bullet that kills the shooter

Mr Mampane , the deputy principal of Sofunda secondary school shared the following story :

 It was right after South Africa became a democratic country country which left most white-coloured folks in a pool of revolting hatred.
 A racist farmer entered a local pub with excitement until his eyes caught the presence of a black man sat near the counter that he boiled with anger. Bold and loud he said “bring beer for everyone expect for that black man”. The black man replied, "Thank you ". The white farmer got angrier and said, “Bring braai-vleis for everyone expect for that black man”. The black man again replied, "Thank you". It was now time for the white farmer to pay. He requested to meet the owner of the pub to make the transaction. Guess who was owner of the pub? That black man who kept on saying "Thank you”.

This is to testify that your hatred towards someone regardless of your reason for that hatred is rather working against you - a device that has turned to your harm instead. Hatred brews unforgiveness and unforgiveness will deprive you of your peace. Hatred doesn’t enable healthy relations in all spaces. It affects your perception and your attitude towards the person you hate.