Wednesday, 16 May 2018

What do you see ?

A thought provoking message came as a reminder from Pastor At Boshoff that " What you look at the longest ultimately becomes the strongest" .

Are you looking at your problems more than God ? The negatives more than the positives ?  Why is your perspective on tragedy blurry ? Who is it that is speaking into your life ?

It takes one to make a decision to be down and out yet the opposite is also true . What requires my positivity , my hope , my faith and my love ? Life requires that otherwise it will be hell for you even when things are starting to shape up .

Darkness is depressing. Tradegy is a blow-out punch . Misfortune is a nightmare but steady faith in God is the light , the recovery and blissful dream in all that .

Regardless of the clutter - what do you see ? Of God ? Of yourself?  Of your church ? Of your family ? Then pray within God's will ,  pronouce it , prepare for it and produce it !

When a car is just the designer's blueprint , we tend to DOUBT whether is it going to make it to the showroom as a finished product ? Who will beat that  aluminium-steel according to the designer's measurements ? What engine will it have ? Who will buy it ?

Whether we believe it as a final product or not - the designer will build a prototype regardless. Why ? He saw it ! He believes in it ! And nothing can change his mind!

The dream and that vision from God you have is important.  It is been given to you by God for the sake of its accomplishment.  You are the only one entrusted to bring it to pass .

If you make the dream much more stronger before your eyes than the God Almighty ; it's accomplishment will not serve the intended purpose.  God Almighty requires our full focus on Him for the fulfilment of all that He has entrusted to us.  Make God far visible than that dream or vision . Make God the only Enabler to your destiny .

Remember to wipe your tears off , dry those eyes , chin up , tell the voices of the enemy to shut as you submit all that you are to God in Spirit and in Truth.

Hope for God's best and prepare for their worst . Take courage. See clearly .