Thursday, 10 May 2018

The "PIT"- Purposefully Intended Training

When it is because of righteousness you are in a pit , the righteousness of God will serve you right in that pit .

Being demoted to the bottom is not a problem , it is a problem only when you are in the wrong with God . Being without God at the bottom will spark a great need for God and because of His loving nature , God will show up because He is also true to His Word. The pit gives you time to lick your wounds , to reconcile and to reconnect with God especially when unrighteousness is the reason you are down there . But when your reason for being in the pit is righteousness in God’s sight then you be redeemed in no time .

The purpose of the pit is to get you re-focused on God’s purpose for your life . It was within God’s purpose for Joseph to serve in Potiphar's house for a time. God’s ultimate purpose for Joseph was to have him serve beside Pharaoh . Here we see God’s setup . How an unfair practice allowed by God could be righteous in propelling God’s purpose for one’s life. The weapons fashioned against Joseph ,God converted to enablers to his destiny.

God prepares those he entrusts through tests , tests designed to focus them only on God in order to birth what is entrusted in them . The more Joseph was tried , the more he was pruned as he had been bearing fruits of the Spirit . If God didn’t expose Joseph to these tests , Joseph would not have known his capacity and capability bestowed in him by God.

Notice that in the midst of all that was happening to Joseph .He never questioned God but rather submitted to His will every time.